1. York Luethje

    “Rejecting violence and exhibiting the humility to allow people to live as they wish is at the core of my libertarianism.

    Much as many Christians would not like to see this, it actually takes a whole lot of pride to claim that you know the right way for everyone else to live.”

    You are in excellent company. Many of the most eminent monotheist thinkers (Aquinas, Avicenna, Maimonides,Meister Eckhardt etc) have held that God, the One, is essentially unknowable. Any attempt to imbue God with positive attributes borders on idolatry and the only way for a monotheist to achieve a state of grace is humility.

    I wish the skeptic movement would share some of that because they currently strike me as mostly small-minded dogmatists.

  2. LibertyChad

    As a Christian, I would say that most individuals in this country who call themselves Christians are more following in the footsteps of the Pharisees, than they are following in Christ’s.

    I’m not saying they aren’t saved, it isn’t for me to judge, but they seem focused ,on a vain and evil attempt, to use the power of the state and society to make people good, holy, and sinless.

    They want to use legalism to impose the outer trappings of what they feel “good” behavior is. Instead of the much harder work of living their own life according to their best understanding of God’s will.

    I suppose it’s much easier to point a finger at others and say how sinful they are, than to tackle the sin in one’s own life.

    Everyone has sinned and fallen short of the standard God has set. It is only by God’s Mercy and Grace that individuals have the hope of salvation and redemption, not via our own actions, choices, and work, but via Christ sacrifice for us.

    “that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” – 2 Corinthians 5:19

    Great article!

  3. Morgan Scarboro

    “Today, I think it is because libertarians tend to be hungry for critical thinking. Libertarians may have, in the aggregate, an empathy deficit and a rationality glut.”

    Yes. This.

  4. Richard Girard

    1) Many libertarians tend to be as doctrianire as Marxists (see Robert Locke’s “The Marxism of the Right,” American Conservative, 3/14/05), and because of this they consider one another rational; while their lack of empathy is looked on as an emotional detachment jthat helps their rationality.
    2) Mary Magdalene and Jesus were almost certainly married, (see Bishop John Shelby Spong’s “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism..”) I suspect that Mary as a young woman was kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery, finally escaped, and returned to her family. Her family–with the example of the prophet Hosea and his wife in mind (and her escape later becoming the basis for the Prodigal son parable), welcomed her home, but could find no bridegroom for her other than Jesus, who had the taint of bastardry about him.

  5. Joshua Little

    It’s nice to read such an honest take!

    From my perspective — as one of the socially conservative evangelicals — all shallow, scornful stereotypes aside — it’s a huge bummer that the Markets revealed more truth to you than Scripture.
    There is something to the critique that we millennial Christians inherited a very over-simplified set of answers to complicated questions — especially regarding sexuality — in a time when we needed a nuanced a thorough biblical one.
    But that’s no excuse for not seeking the truth in Scripture. And yes, the answer is there, but the answer is “to know nothing … except Christ and Him crucified”.
    Paul was a freaking brilliant dude — and on the surface, he ‘got’ markets, too.
    But he also knew that knowledge has to do with love. (Col 2.3)

  6. tsimitpo

    I apologize that in the interest of time I only read until I got to the part where you were talking about not wanting to be labeled and pre-judged as a “Christian” because you struck a chord with me there. I’ll finish when I have a few minutes more.

    The word Christian has gotten a bad rap – just as Jesus said it would – in a way not unlike the term “conservative” has been hijacked by the two-sided coin trying desperately to keep the thesis-anti-thesis of the left-right paradigm working for their purposes. The meaning of words and the ability to tweak and steer those words is incredibly powerful.

    I sense that we’re entering an era where Christians guided by the Holy Spirit residing in them are beginning to see modern “Christianity” the way early followers of “Jesus” saw the ways of the Pharisees and Sadducees. As this happens, I think we may see Holy Spirit led believers extracting themselves from this nationalistic-type “Christianity” in the kind of droves that would reflect “come out from her my people”.

  7. tsimitpo

    You think a lot like I do and are a product of an upbringing much like mine. I have a feeling you would really dig the Lame Cherry Blog and appreciate the antics used therein to propagate honest thinking about this little life we find ourselves in.

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